Wife: I'm in love with your brother in law
GOB: You're in love with your own brother? The one in the army?
Wife: No, your sisters husband.
GOB: Michael? Michael...
Wife: No, that's your sisters brother
GOB: No, I'm my sisters brother. You're in love with me. Me!
Wife: I'm in love with tobias.
GOB: My brother in law?
Wife: I know we can never be, so I'm leaving, I'm enlisting into the army.
GOB: To be with your brother?
Wife: No!
GOB: You're in love with your own brother? The one in the army?
Wife: No, your sisters husband.
GOB: Michael? Michael...
Wife: No, that's your sisters brother
GOB: No, I'm my sisters brother. You're in love with me. Me!
Wife: I'm in love with tobias.
GOB: My brother in law?
Wife: I know we can never be, so I'm leaving, I'm enlisting into the army.
GOB: To be with your brother?
Wife: No!