Amy - Her ability to combine mischief with leadership and generosity of spirit.
Adam - His sweet, gumdrop caboose.
Pratt - Best personality ever, like a golden lab meets Don Knotts. Also a fine backside.
Rashida - Incredibly well-adjusted and lovely for having been bitten by Michael Jackson's monkey as a child. Not a euphemism.
Aziz - He can say anything in the most hilarious way - also keepin' them buns tight.
Aubrey - She is beautiful and wonderful - not evil, don't be ridiculous.
Rob - A champion in every way, super funny - wouldn't mind a tad more junk in his trunk.
Retta - Could rule the world if she so chose. DISCERNING. Beautiful.
Adam - His sweet, gumdrop caboose.
Pratt - Best personality ever, like a golden lab meets Don Knotts. Also a fine backside.
Rashida - Incredibly well-adjusted and lovely for having been bitten by Michael Jackson's monkey as a child. Not a euphemism.
Aziz - He can say anything in the most hilarious way - also keepin' them buns tight.
Aubrey - She is beautiful and wonderful - not evil, don't be ridiculous.
Rob - A champion in every way, super funny - wouldn't mind a tad more junk in his trunk.
Retta - Could rule the world if she so chose. DISCERNING. Beautiful.