30 Rock + TV Tropes
↳ ’Getting Stuff Past the Radar’:
The practice — usually found on but not limited to comedies — of getting content inappropriate for the target demographic (such as profanity or sexual content) past the network censors by putting it under some sort of guise. Robin Williams has probably made the greatest (known) effort along these lines in television history, allegedly researching and exhausting several different languages in an attempt to find genuinely dirty words the censors would not recognize, and coming up with sequences that would seem utterly innocent on paper, but which would carry vast quantities of implied prurience — often hilarious — when executed.
This is where Western animation shines; there’s pages and pages of it, even when you don’t include all the people who are just reading too much into things.
(‘Bite’ is ‘d*ck’ in French, and Neuker is ‘f*cker’ in Dutch. See UrbanDictionary.com for the other references).
30 Rock + TV Tropes↳ ’Getting Stuff Past the Radar’:The...